Well, here's the first entry on my blog! There's something really amazing about being able to put your thoughts out to the universe for others to see. My hope is that this blog will serve as a way for you to learn more about healing and health on your path to wholeness.
I've had an opportunity to do NET for almost 3 weeks now and I continue to be blown away at some of the things that come up for myself and for the people I am working with. While there was never any doubt in my mind that the body stores emotions, I've not come across a system before that helps us access those emotions so quickly and clear them with the same speed.
For myself, I've been focusing on clearing out what I felt were some limiting beliefs for me around growing my business and reaching out to people who might be interested in my business. From the NET process, I was able to free up the fear of rejection that was holding me back and I've since signed up several coaching clients and have opened up a project that could be immense! As a side benefit, my back ache at T12 also settled down nicely.
A lot of the other people that I've seen have come with more body oriented issues that would be described as chronic, unresponsive to regular physical care and upsetting. The response has so far, been very positive with some significant symptom relief. In some cases the symptoms come back but not as severe and not as frequent. The homeopathy, now that I've got it in is helping keep the patterns clear and I also suspect that some particularly chronic areas likely have several layers to them as well - the onion effect as it were.
One of the elements of the process is the tracking back of when the person was first exposed to the emotional theme that has become stuck in their body. Frequently there is an incident that has happened at an earlier age that has "primed" the person to be affected more intensely by later circumstances. For instance, being yelled at as a child by a parent and called stupid, is likely going to make you much more vulnerable to an over reaction as an adult when somebody says you are stupid. In NET we say that you have an "emotional charge" around the concept of stupid.
This charge will then make you much more reactive to whenever you are called stupid or it is even suggested by tone or body language. If you are a fighter, you'll over react by "coming out swinging" either verbally or physically. If you're more of a flighter, you'll retreat - either literally by leaving the area or psychologically by withdrawing into yourself.
Take a moment to think, "What do I have an emotional charge around?" What would it be like to be free of that charge?
Dr.Peter DeShane
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